Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Brazilian Heart
Since 1998
February 2012

Yep, it’s February!  And February 2nd is Iemanjá Day, an important date of the Brazilian calendar. ODO YÁ!
“The Candomblé (Afro Brazilian religion) worships Iemanjá as one of the seven orixás of the African Pantheon. She is the Queen of the Ocean, the patron deity of the fishermen and the survivors of shipwrecks, the feminine principle of creation and the spirit of moonlight. A syncretism happens between the catholic Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes (Our Lady of Navigators) and the orixá Iemanjá of the African Mithology. In Salvador, Bahia, Iemanjá is celebrated by Candomblé on the very same day consecrated by the Catholic Church to Our Lady of Navigators (Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes). Every February 2, thousands of people line up at dawn to leave their offerings at her shrine, the sea."

“Se você quiser amar
Se você quiser amor
Vem comigo a Salvador
Para ouvir Iemanjá”

If you want to love
If you want love
Come to Salvador with me to hear Iemanjá 
(Quote from Canto de Iemanjá by Baden Powell and Vinícius de Moraes)

Here’s one of the most beautiful recordings of “Canto de Iemanjá” from the CD “Afro Sambas” released in 1966 in Brasil. 

Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes - Our Lady of the Navigators

I’ll be singing with Viver Brasil Dance Company on:
February 13 @ Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson, VT
February 14 @ Fine Arts Center, 
Castleton, VT
February 18 @ Frank Arts Center Theater, Shepherdstown, WV

“Galo da Madrugada or Rooster of the Dawn is the symbol of the Brazilian Northeastern’s Carnaval.  This carnival tradition begins with bugle calls at dawn on Carnival Saturday, heralding the start of the Pernambucano carnival. The show features some of the best rhythmically and acrobatically influenced dancers from Brazil.” 

“Music According to Tom Jobim”
This sweet movie about  composer Tom Jobim and directed by Nelsom Pereira dos Santos and Dora Jobim just opened in Brasil!

“Enchanted Word”
“A documentary that weaves together performances and interviews with singers, songwriters and poets to reflect the interplay between these art forms. Winner of the Best Documentary award at the 2008 Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival.”
(Full movie in Portuguese)

AROUND Los Angeles
Sat, Feb 18 Carnaval @ Gaucho’s Village (Glendale)
Sat, Feb 25 Carnaval Exotica @ Nokia (Downtown LA)

Genetically modified food now accepted by Health Food stores in the US
“Quando se ama não é preciso entender o que se passa lá fora, pois tudo passa a acontecer dentro de nós” 
When you love, there is no need to understand what goes on out there because everything starts happening inside of us. (Quote by Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector)

Enjoy “Shimbalaiê” with Maria Gadu
Peace and Joy,
Katia : )

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